id you know over 70% of adults with dry skin issues like, eczema, psoriasis, and even sensitive skin, dramatically worsen during the winter? That’s not something to look forward to, however there are solutions.
It’s good to know:
# 1 You Are Not Alone! #2 There is A Solution! #3 That Natural Herbs work!!!

Let me begin by sharing with you my own recent experience. It all started when the palm of my hands began to itch horribly. Recognizing this was something more serious than “at home” remedies, I visited my dermatologist, who prescribed a strong cortisone based ointment with instructions to apply twice daily for 14 days. After doing this for several weeks, I knew I was in trouble when simple movement of my fingers caused the skin to split at the joints. The RX was too strong and thinned my skin! By this time the itch was primarily gone but my hands were left extremely dry, to the point they were cracking, flaky and peeling. I threw the ointment away, began to apply my Avani Herbal Balm and went to see an Allergy Specialist. It turns out I had “Hives” and he said the cortisone actually made the condition worsen! He suggested use of an antihistamine if the red-itchiness reoccurred and to continue applying my all-natural balm. So I went home and applied abundant amounts of my Avani Herbals Balm for Dry Skin. Both of my hands began to dramatically heal….finally!!!!
Dr Cork from The Free Library said: “Anyone wanting to protect their skin, should use an intensive moisturizer which helps replace some parts of the skin barrier which are reduced in the winter….”
Avani Herbals Balm not only replaces that protective barrier against the elements but provides relief and especially rapid healing.
Why does The Balm work so well?
Because of these Amazing Herbs…..
- Comfrey causes “rapid” new cell growth, that means faster healing.
- Calendula is an anti-inflammatory and attacks the inflammation with a vengeance!
- St John’s Wort reduces stinging, burning and pain!
All three of these amazing herbs…….
“Come from my garden to your skin”
To Learn more about how to winterize your skin, be sure to read my Blog: “Itchy Skin: Prepare your Skin for Winter.”
If this information has been helpful, please leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you!!